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Hot Scotch Bonnet
Attraktive goldgelbe Farbe der gedrungenen sehr scharfen und aromatischen Paprika.Begehrt für die jamaikanische Küche.
Langsam wachsend, deshalb bei Wärme überwintern.
SPICY HOT! Capsicum chinense. So named because of its resemblance to a Tam o’ Shanter Scottish cap, this little pepper packs a rather powerful kick. Scotch Bonnet pepper seeds produce the brightly coloured chile peppers that are widely used in Jamaican and other Caribbean cooking, and have a flavour profile that is quite distinct from its close cousin the Habanero. If you want the traditional flavour of jerk paste, you have to use Scotch Bonnets. Give this variety a little extra time to mature and as much heat as possible. 150,000 – 325,000 SHUs. Plants may overwinter if protected, and can produce as perennials for a few years.
- Farbe
- Ernte
- ms-s
- Herkunft
- Brasilien
- Schärfe
- 9
- Scoville-Skala
- 150'000 - 350'000